

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Whacked Out World

My Dear Godkids,
I am sorry! This is a LONG overdue letter and I feel terrible that it has taken me THIS long to write it! Things have been so wacky (did she just say "wacky?") lately and well, that is sort of the theme I'm going for here. Because, Godkids, this is a flipping whacked-out world.

Seriously, can I take a moment and apologize for my generation (ahem NOT a Millennial though, OK?) and everything we have done to royally screw up the future for you? You're welcome...

You know what I think the most cray-cray-crazy thing is? The bizarre notion that whatever someone feels or thinks is "reality." I know one of you recently had an incident at school along those lines. All of a sudden men aren't men. Boys aren't boys. Women aren't women. They are instead, whatever they feel like they should be. Or feel like they are. Or want to be, or whatever.  Things like, oh, you know, biology, have little to do with reality. Instead of the famous "I think therefore I am" we have coined the belief that "I feel, therefore I am.....whatever I feel like I am." (If this is actually the case, I am a chinchilla. And my name is Horace.)

And the craziest thing? If you call out the absurdity, YOU are ridiculed, or reprimanded, or punished. That person over there, with the large biceps, facial hair, and deep voice? No, NOT a man. That person is a Shar Pei today. Please refer to  him as "puppy."  

Godkids, you are inheriting a mess.

But I am not worried.
Do you know why?

Because of YOU.

YOU are going to be the ones who have to put this mess back together again. It will be up to YOU to make order out of the chaos that is all around. It will fall on YOU to make things make sense again.
And I know you can do it.
You're ALREADY doing it!

Every time you refuse to fall for the crazy. Every time you speak the simple Truth that you know is in front of you. Every time you don't allow yourself to bullied by the pop culture cray.

You KNOW the Truth. You do.
You have been confirmed (well, those of you who can speak in sentences and sleep through the night without soiling yourself).
Mo and Helen, you are ADULTS in the Church. You are responsible for witnessing to the Truth, in Love. Even if that has consequences.

Recently Pope Francis canonized a new Saint; Jose Sanchez del Rio. He was one month shy of turning 16 when he was put to death for professing his Faith in Christ. He was killed. For speaking the Truth. He was killed for standing for TRUTH. My Godkids, no one is seeking to kill you.
Will you speak the Truth?! You are tasked with witnessing to your Faith- to witness to what you know is right and what you know is true.
You can do it. If this 15 year old boy can die gladly for his faith, you can stand up to the crazy and witness to the Truth.

Your fairy Godmother is proud of you.  You can do it.

Your fairy Godmother