

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Are You Happy Yet?

My dear Godkids,

Are you happy yet?

Not, like, "yeah, I'm happy, I just got to sleep late and the house is empty so I can binge on my current fave show" kind of happy. I mean the deep down content, not restless, peaceful sort of happy. The kind that can't be ruffled. The kind that is hard to shake even when bad things happen. THAT sort of happy.


Well, then we need to talk. I saw that - I saw you rolling your eyes at me! But really, we should talk, because its time for a Holy Spirit intervention.  (there you go again with the eye rolling!)

God has made each and every person for a purpose. There is a mission, a plan JUST FOR YOU. The world needs you to accomplish it! It is why you were created! God loves you so much that He not only MADE you, but He made you with a PURPOSE. And this purpose will make you happy. It will give you that deep peace. The unshakable happy peace. It will also get you to Heaven - where you will be deliriously happy FOREVER. See, God desires your happiness. He desires you to have peace. He made you this way!

If you aren't feeling it, its time to figure out why, because living without this peace, without this happiness, isn't worth it.

Some of the biggest things that steal this peace and happiness from us are sin, lack of a prayer life, and noise. If we haven't been to confession in a while, if we are stuck in habitual sin, if we aren't praying or seeking to deepen our prayer life, if we are so distracted by noise and social media and phones and friends and stuff we will soon be robbed of happiness and peace. The good news is that we can change this! We can start frequenting the confessional. We can pray! And keep trying to pray! We can put the phones down and sit in some quiet with God. And we can ask Him to help us do these things! The Holy Spirit has been sent to us for just this! To convict us and to assist us!

The Holy Spirit can help you to stay on track with a relationship with God and He can help us to discover what it is that God has made us for!

Invoke Him! Call upon Him! Trust Him! He is our Advocate. Our Guide. Our Helper. Tell the Holy Spirit you want to be happy and ask Him to show you how! He will!

With Love,
Your Fairy Godmother