

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Be Not Afraid

Dear Godkids,

Something has been on my mind a lot today.


Fear is a powerful motivator. Fear can be a strong chain. Fear never liberates. It only binds. Fear never frees. It confuses. Fear is the enemy of Truth.

There is a reason that "Be not afraid" is the most used phrase in the Bible. There is a reason why it has become almost synonymous with John Paul II's epic papacy. There is a reason why he especially implored young people to "Be not afraid!" What Jesus knew, what JPII knew, is that fear can cripple us. It can break us. It can keep us from becoming who we are made to be, and coming to know who God is.

And I see it everywhere. Fear.

I see fear in the eyes of the young woman who refuses to break up with her boyfriend, even though they aren't meant for each other.

I see fear in the face of the young man who screwed up but doesn't know how to take responsibility.

I see fear in the woman contemplating abortion.

I see fear in the couple who stops using NFP and turns to contraception because it seems easier.

I see fear in the young woman afraid to step out in life and live boldly.

I see fear in the parents who hover and micromanage their children.

I see fear in the young man who sits in Church and refuses to say the prayers, but something draws him there anyway.

I see fear in the boy who won't stand up to a bully.

I see fear in the girl who won't see her own beauty.

I see fear in the woman who becomes an isolationist and racist. 

I see fear in the young person who won't say "no" to peer pressure.

I see fear in the man who hates others who are not like him.

I see fear in the young person who is trying to ignore God's call.

Fear is nasty. It sneaks into us. Sometimes fear comes because we have been hurt. We have been wounded. We want to protect ourselves from more hurt. We become afraid.  When we have wounds or hurts that cause us to fear, it means we need healing. Never be afraid to pursue healing. Whether that is in the form of therapy, spiritual direction, confession, or psychotherapy, physical therapy, or any combination of the above. Pursuing healing is an act of Hope and an act of Faith. Fear cannot remain long where one seeks healing! Just don't forget that Jesus is THE Healer, and as you pursue healing for the mind or body, its also important to pursue healing for the soul. When the soul is healthy, it is harder for fear to enter.

Sometimes fear comes because we lack faith. Fear is the antithesis of faith. They cannot co-exist. The more faith increases, the fear decreases. This doesn't mean you may never feel afraid. Feelings are human. They are natural. But we have the power to choose to have Trust in God and to overcome our fear. That power comes from the Holy Spirit. Trust, to Jesus, is the ultimate act of Love for Him. He wants nothing more than our Trust - reckless trust - in Him. The more we trust, the less we fear. The less we fear, the more free we become.

Fear is funny. It sneaks up on us and lies. Fear whispers, "I am reasonable. Fear is healthy. I will keep you safe." But it doesn't. Fear traps. It never frees. We justify our fear. We tell ourselves it is good and OK to be afraid. Maybe we even think we deserve to feel afraid. But Jesus told us something very different: BE NOT AFRAID.

Godkids, you were not created with a spirit of fear! You were created to be free in Jesus - the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He told us that the Truth will set you free! And the beautiful and amazing Truth is that Trust, Faith, are what you were created to have! Not fear and doubt!

Ask Jesus in the Divine Mercy to help you Trust Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you an increase in the gift of Faith. Keep asking Him!

The world needs your witness of Trust. Too many people are afraid and living in fear. Don't be one of them, your Godmother is here to help you.

Until next time,
With Love,
Your Fairy Godmother