

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Let's Get This Party Started!

So I had the idea to write this blog for my GodChildren. Because blogs are cooler than letters. And cooler than emails and (eek!) much cooler phone calls. (Wait, does anyone say "cool" anymore?)

A blog is kind of anonymous but not. I mean, I am never going to actually SAY the names of my Godchildren, so who knows, you could know them. You could go to Church with them. One of them could be your BFF - and you'd never know. Its like.....its like I have Ninja Godkids. (you're welcome.)

So for anonymity's sake (and to keep the to the code of the Ninja Godchild) I will simply sometimes refer to them with nicknames. There is the adorable G-man. (He can't read yet). There's Mo, and there's Helen. They are going to forever hate me for giving them these unflattering names. However, they can be SURE their identities are protected!

So. Welcome to blog you-know-who-you-are.
Stay tuned,
This is going to be fun!

Your fairy Godmother

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